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Domain Name

One of the most crucial elements for your company branding is the domain name. With millions of domain names being registered every day, finding a good one is becoming increasingly challenging. That's why you need to act quickly to secure your company’s identity before someone else does.

Check Domain Availability & Pricing


Included Free With Every Registered Domain Name

*Offer only valid for .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .ws, and other top-level domains. Please contact us to verify the offer for other domain names.

Free Managed DNS Services

All domain names we offer come with complete control to manage DNS records, absolutely free of cost! Our free DNS service is hosted on a globally distributed and highly redundant infrastructure, making it one of the most reliable in the industry. You can manage SOA, A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, and NS records, with all updates reflecting instantaneously.

Free Domain Forwarding Service

This service allows you to point your domain name to another website location. It supports URL masking to hide the destination URL, wildcard subdomain forwarding, and path forwarding. This feature is included free with every domain name purchased from us.


What Makes a Good Domain Name?

Short and Memorable

A concise domain name is easy to remember and type.

Relevant to Your Business

It should reflect your core business or brand name.

Easy to Spell

Avoid complex or unusual spellings to reduce the risk of typos.

Unique and Distinctive

Stand out from competitors and avoid confusion.


Including relevant keywords can improve search engine visibility.

Appropriate Extension

Choose a suitable top-level domain (TLD) like .com, .net, or .org.

Avoid Numbers and Hyphens

These can be confusing and hard to remember.


Ensure the name can grow with your business and doesn’t limit future expansion.

Act quickly to secure a great domain name before someone else does!

Premium Domain Names For Sale

Having trouble finding a good domain name for your brand? Consider some of the premium domain names we offer.































Domain Name Frequently Asked Questions

Why must I have my own domain name?

A domain name is a crucial extension of your brand and is affordable. While you might have a website using a free subdomain (e.g., mybrand.wordpress.com) or a Facebook page, these do not belong to you. If these services end, you lose your web presence. In contrast, a domain name is yours forever, as long as you renew it.

Owning your domain name also allows you to create professional email addresses ending with your domain, eliminating the need for generic Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail addresses. This enhances your brand’s professionalism and increases confidence among prospects and customers.

Reserving your own domain name also prevents others from claiming it, avoiding potential lengthy and costly legal battles.

Is it hard (or costly) to register a domain name?

Registering a domain name is very easy and affordable. Simply use this form to check if your desired domain name is available. If it is, place your order and pay the amount shown on the invoice—we’ll handle the rest. If you encounter any issues while placing your order, feel free to contact us for assistance.

Can anyone register a domain name?

General Top Level Domains (gTLDs) such as .com, .net, and .org are open to everyone without restrictions, making it harder to find available names under these extensions. However, most country-level domain names, such as .com.my, are reserved for entities located in the respective country. Please contact us if you wish to know more about the requirements for any country-level domain names.

What is the specification of a valid domain name?
  • A domain name can only contain characters from A to Z, 0 – 9 (case insensitive).
  • A domain name may contain hyphen “-” but may not begin or end with a hyphen.
  • Spaces and special characters, such as question marks (?), exclamation points (!), and underscores (_) are not allowed.
  • A domain name cannot have hyphens as the 3rd and 4th characters (reserved for multilingual domain registration eg: xn--example.com)
I already have a domain name. Can I transfer it to Surf7.net?

Yes, you are welcome to transfer the domain name to us. Please use the Transfer Domain form or contact us if you need us to assist you on the transfer.